ethers gem - Rails-Like All-In-One Umbrella For Ethereum & Co.
Hello, to make it easier to get started with blockchain (contract) programming in ruby - and inspired by the rails gem - I put together the ethers gem - a “high-level” all-in-one umbrella quick starter gem for easy installation & usage for ethereum & co. (blockchain) contract services that for now bundles crypto-lite, etherlite, etherlite-contracts, ethname, etherscan-lite, abidoc, abigen, & some more gems. The ethers name is inspired by ethers.js (or and let’s you use ‘require ‘ethers’ in rubyland or ‘gem install ethers’ to get started. Anyways, it’s the early days in crypto winter 2022/23. Happy blockchain (contract) programming with ruby. Questions and comments welcome. Cheers. Prost.
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