RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Planet Ruby & Ruby Code Commons (COCOS) Year 2022 In Review

Hello, as a long time ruby volunteer I try to contribute by managing the Planet Ruby and the (newer) Ruby Code Commons (COCOS) orgs. Believe it or not in 2022 I got perma banned on ruby-talk after getting perma banned last year on reddit ruby. And yes, so far not a single contribution on Planet Ruby or Ruby Code Commons (COCOS) in 2022. Such is the health of the ruby community in 2022. What’s your experience? Is ruby dead or dying (if you are off-rails)? Discuss. Please, share your thoughts or commentary.


I’m hesitant to wade into this, but here goes.

There are discussions happening outside of Reddit and ruby-talk. IRC and Discord are both active, as well as

I don’t necessarily agree with your permanent ban from ruby-talk, and have generally found your posts on the mailing list interesting, historically.

With that said, some of your posts which may be of value start out by bringing up drama from other platforms. It lowers the perceived value of the post, and to the community. I don’t think this is doing you any favours.

IMHO, email the mods of reddit/ruby-talk privately. See if an agreement can be reached. If not, move on. Find other platforms.

Just reading your comments now. Thanks for sharing. Just to clarify - “by bringing up drama from other platforms” - I got banned on r/ruby and posted to ruby-talk that’s all. No drama. And really if read-up on the drama - all I was doing is was asking for more tolerance - not for myself - but for some other rubyists that got mobbed for basically nothing. I am not moving on I am here to stay. Cheers. Prosit 2023!

Also for the record - the main “hater” and driving force behind all this banning madness is the r/ruby mod Richard Schneeman and his sidekick Brandon Weaver that insults on twitter rubyists with different opinions in unaccetable outrage - I guess that gets him virtue signaling social credit points. Please speak out on this idiocacy and stop telling people to “move on”.

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