RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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[PODCAST] Andy Croll & Ufuk Kayserilioglu Uncover RailsConf 2024 Details

The conversation covers various aspects of RailsConf, including its mission, organization, and selection process for talks. The chapters delve into the background of the participants, the role of Ruby Central in organizing RailsConf, and the significance of the conference in the Ruby and Rails communities. The discussion also explores the unique features of RailsConf 2024, such as the community day and hack day, as well as the selection process for talks and the responsibilities of the program committee. Additionally, the conversation touches on the criteria for choosing conference locations and the process of selecting keynote speakers. In this conversation, Emmanuel Hayford interviews Andy Croll and Ufuk Kayserilioglu about their experiences with conferences like RailsConf and Brighton Ruby. They discuss the acceptance and rejection process for conference speakers, the origins and purpose of Brighton Ruby, the importance of personal interaction at conferences, the dynamics of partnering with hotels, the sponsorship opportunities for RailsConf, and the benefits of attending conferences for personal and professional growth.

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