RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Let's Rewrite the Solidity (JavaScript-like) CryptoPunksData Contract in Ruby

Hello, I’ve written up an article titled Inside the CryptoPunksData Contract - Decoding the On-Chain Assets (11 Archetypes and 122 Attributes) and Color Palette for Easy (Re)Use “Off-Chain” that rewrites the original “on-chain” CryptoPunksData contract code in Solidity (JavaScript-like) in - surprise, surprise - ruby that you can run - surprise, surprise - offline and offchain in your own home for free and forever (the punkdata scripts are dedicated to the public domain.) Happy pixel art programming with ruby. PS: Want to generate your own punks (in ruby)? See Run Your Own Free Decentralized Autonomous Punk Generator Contract / Service (Offline and Offchain) in Your Own Home to get started.

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