RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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New release of ActualDbSchema gem (v0.7.5) - manual rollback

🚀 We’ve just released v0.7.5 of our actual_db_schema gem, designed to supercharge your Rails development productivity.

🔄 This update includes a new task to manually roll back phantom migrations: rails db:rollback_branches:manual

⚙️ You can also disable automatic phantom migrations rollback by setting the env var ACTUAL_DB_SCHEMA_AUTO_ROLLBACK_DISABLED to true.

⚙️ Or by adding ActualDbSchema.config[:auto_rollback_disabled] = true in an initializer (e.g., config/initializers/actual_db_schema.rb).

Upgrade now and enjoy smoother development! 💻✨

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