We upgraded our Open Source Job Board App (DollarJobs) from Rails v6.1 to v7.0.0
Upgrading Rails versions in any app require significant code refactoring and effort. Nonetheless, the effort put definitely takes your application towards much better security and maintenance. We upgraded our Open Source Job Board App (DollarJobs) from Rails v6.1 to v7.0.0 to incrementally upgrade it to Rails v8, soon. Read the process here - https://blog.railsforgedev.com/upgraded-our-open-source-job-board-app-dollarjobs-from-rails-version-61-to-700. Watch the Screencast here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xthTdFdc_uk. View the Git Diff here - https://github.com/bestwebventures0/dollarjobs/compare/main…upgrade_to_rails_700. Fork the Repo here - https://github.com/bestwebventures0/dollarjobs/tree/upgrade_to_rails_700.
Upgraded to Rails v8 successfully. See the Git Diff here - https://github.com/bestwebventures0/dollarjobs/compare/upgrade_to_rails_700…upgrade_to_rails_8.
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