RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Made a library? Written a blog post? Found a useful tutorial? Share it with the Ruby community here or just enjoy what everyone else has found!

SpreeConf 2021 - free online event for Ruby on Rails and Spree Commerce enthusiasts

SpreeConf is all about sharing Ecommerce know-how. We’ve invited developers, founders, and industry experts behind some of the most successful businesses using Spree from around the world.

When & where: June 24th, 2021 5.00 PM GMT / 12.00 PM ET / 9.00 AM PT #ONLINE

In the Agenda: -> What future holds for Spree Commerce – presenting Spree 2021 and 2022 roadmap by Damian Legawiec, Spree Commerce open-source Tech Lead -> Case studies of successful businesses and other open-source projects using Spree Commerce

Register now & join SpreeConf:

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