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The messy middle – 5 Software Engineering lessons from a 5 years startup journey

Read the full article here

These are some of the lessons that I have learned over my 5 years at a Fintech startup that went from 0 to 100k customers and grew the team from 4 to 50 people.

It would be hard for me to identify what we did to put us in this fortunate position; the market conditions, the product execution, the team we built, the Engineering choices we made, and a healthy dose of luck all contributed to where we are today as a company. I am not going to cover these, I am sorry!

This blog post is about the messy middle instead, all the choices I am still puzzled about that I might consider doing differently if I could go back in time. Like everything in Software Engineering, these are not hard truths but tradeoffs to consider if you were to stumble upon the same challenges.

Enjoy the read 🙇‍♂️

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