RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Ruby Pixel Art Programming Challenge #1 - 10 000 Dotty Spotty “Currency” Punks

Hello, Anyone remember the Plany Ruby Quiz - a fortnightly programming challenge? Yes, we are back with an artistic twist. Let’s start / try a new fortnightly pixel art / punk art programming challenge. Yes, in ruby. How does it work? Let’s pick a theme and then it’s up to you - yes, you can - to put together a new punk collection with your own artistic interpretation / generation script. Yes, in ruby. Let’s kick off with a theme inspired by Damien Hirst’s “The Currency” token art parody or is that cash grab with a paper with a bunch of random circles starting at $2000 a piece? Let’s generate 10 000 free dotty spotty punks. For example - turn every colored pixel in the 24x24 bitmap into a circle and maybe use different-sized variants of circles and maybe use a random offset “distortion” for the circle placement and so on. Yes, you can. Learn more and join us. Happy pixel pushing with ruby. ++ Update To get you started I put together a spots script that generates more than a dozen spotty dotty “currency” punk variants incl. a 2x version with quadruple pixels all turned into random ~circles~ spots.

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