RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Punch Code Generator. Frame for designing business logic with The Clean Architecture

If you find a solution for how to pack your business logic you can have a look at Punch. Its basic idea is to provide a clean robust frame for domain business logic and bring efficiency to the design process.

Playing last year with The Clean Architecture I found it just a really amazing tool, but it also was a bit tiresome because of the necessity to create and require entities and services sources separately. That’s why I designed Punch, which provides:

  • three basic blocks - entity, service, and plugin
  • source code templates for those blocks
  • command-line interface for punching those blocks
  • simple domain DSL to express and “punch” domains

You can find an example of a “punched” DSL expressed domain in punch_users repository.

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