RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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[New Gem] Chromate: Effortless Browser Automation with Ruby and CDP 🚀

Hey Ruby devs! 👋

I’m excited to announce the first release of Chromate, a new Ruby gem that simplifies browser automation using the Chrome DevTools Protocol (CDP). If you’ve been looking for a lightweight alternative to Selenium or Playwright, Chromate might be what you need!

🌟 Key Features:
  • Headless Chrome Automation: Fast and efficient, perfect for scraping and testing.
  • Direct CDP Integration: Bypass browser extensions and control Chrome directly.
  • Virtual Mouse & Keyboard: Mimic real user behavior for undetectable interactions.
  • Easy Setup: Built with Ruby developers in mind—simple API and fast performance.
💡 Example Usage:

```ruby require ‘chromate’

browser = true) browser.start browser.navigate_to(‘’)

search_input = browser.find_element(‘input[name=”q”]’) search_input.type(‘Ruby programming’) search_input.press_enter

first_result = browser.find_element(‘h3’)

puts browser.find_element(‘body’).text[0..200] browser.stop ```

📦 Check It Out:

GitHub repo: Eth3rnit3/Chromate

Give it a try, star it if you like it, and let me know your feedback! Contributions are welcome! 💎✨

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