RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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rlp (Recursive Length Prefix) gem for data encoding reborn as rlp-lite (redux)

Hello, if anyone tries to request data from the ethereum (open) blockchain (service / database) with ruby sooner or later you might want to understand the magic and put together a to-the-metal “raw” json-rpc request with a recursive length prefix (RLP) encoded-data package. Good news - there’s a rlp gem with 1+ millions downloads; bad news - last update in 2016 and the (ruby) source code is officially archived / read-only). Anyways, using the “best of the both worlds”, that is, the “inline” rlp encoder/decoder from the eth gem and the rlp gem itself I put together a new rlp-lite gem. It’s the early days ;-). You are welcome to join in and try the new kid on the block. What are your (eth) options (in ruby) that you use? Please tell / share / discuss.

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