RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Serverless Ruby on Rails on AWS Lambda [Example app]

Recently Lamby was announced which helps you to bundle up your Ruby on Rails application and push it to AWS Lambda. That’s right you can now run Ruby on Rails applications on AWS Lambda !

I wanted to be sure if this is true so I’ve created

It’s a RubyFlow style of website running Ruby on Rails on AWS Lambda using Lamby. Databse is DynamoDB (so it’s really a serverless app) + it has Github OAuth integration.

Only bit that is not “Serverless” is Redis app caching

I’m also running Webpack via webpacker gem and Turbo just to prove a point it can be done

It’s still work in progress Source on Github Feel free to create any PR

Also (if you find this interesting) I have another side project where I’m testing other Rails features on AWS Lambda

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