RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Made a library? Written a blog post? Found a useful tutorial? Share it with the Ruby community here or just enjoy what everyone else has found!

Ruby Conferences & Camps in 2023 @ Planet Ruby - What’s Upcoming?

Hello, over at the Planet Ruby I opened-up a new page listing all Ruby Conferences & Camps in 2023 - What’s Upcoming?. It’s all built with ruby (via jekyll and github pages) and a (open) datafile in yaml. There’s even an old school web feed in xml (and modern flavor in json). What ruby (or rails) conference or camp are you planning to attend in 2023 (or are you cancel-cultured like DHH and have to re-start your own foundation and conference that invites you back as a keynote speaker ;-) ?

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