RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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v0.5.11 of the aia was released this weekend

Announcing the release of aia (AI Assistant) gem, version 0.5.11. For those of you who are passionate about enhancing your command-line interface (CLI) with AI capabilities, you’ll find this update particularly exciting.

Explore the release here:

aia stands as a formidable CLI tool designed for the management and processing of dynamic compositional parameterized prompts tailored for gen-AI applications. This version introduces three innovative directives to the prompt file:

  1. //include path_to_file - Integrates the content of another file into your prompt, expanding your prompt’s capabilities.

  2. //ruby code - Allows embedding Ruby code directly, granting you the power to dynamically manipulate the prompts with your Ruby logic.

  3. //shell command - Enables the inclusion of shell commands that execute before the prompt, adding even more versatility to your toolset.

These new directives complement the already available features such as embedded shell scripts, automatic integration with system environment variables, Embedded Ruby (ERB) support, and context files utilization. Together, they offer an enriched layer of dynamism and flexibility in crafting and executing complex, compositional prompts right from your command line.

I bring these enhancements to the community and look forward to seeing innovative ways in which aia will be utilized to push the boundaries of command-line AI interactions.

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