RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Made a library? Written a blog post? Found a useful tutorial? Share it with the Ruby community here or just enjoy what everyone else has found!

A Call For Help - Please, Stop the Attack(s)

Hello, for the record I am banned on r/ruby and r/rails and ruby-talk for what? Now I am under (ongoing) attack on github (and reddit) and on (for two weeks going). Does anyone care? (A rethoric question, isn’t it?) For the record - Please, rethink the perma-ban policy and actually ban perma-bans. For honest people like myself (if I dare to say) who use one “doxxed” account (and no sock puppets) the system is seriously broken and in favour of misuse. Cheers.


I unbanned you on /r/ruby a while ago, I seem to recall. I don’t see you in the list anymore. I’m not really a fan of “perma-bans” either where no specific abuse is clear. I can’t speak for the other places as I have no status or presence there.

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