RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Ethereum Turning Into Facet (Ruby on Rails) Monolith SOON!?

Hello, i know lots of crypto haters in rubyland. i am perma banned for life twice (for example). the irony the new facet indexer (&vm) that’s basicially is a ruby on rails monolith (with postgresql db) with the rubidity language that everybody hates (other than its creator tom lehman aka middlemarch). the reaction in rubyland to the blockchain revolution (by moving compute off-chain with “dumb” contracts AND reducing transaction fees 10x). nada. zero. zilch. or worse banning and canceling. what’s your take on rubidity? anyone?


I have a small cosmos chain related project written in rails

As long as it’s not promoting anything unrelated to rails I don’t see reason to ban discussions

But only inform, don’t promote

bitcon is banned here (blacklist of words) now with ordinal inscription bitcon on its way to look less than a ponzi. still a long way to go. proof-of-stake. bigger blocks. etc. happy new year, prosit 2024!

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