RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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πŸŽ„ Opal 1.4: Ruby 3.1, performance, and bundle size πŸš€

We are proud to announce an immediate availability of Opal 1.4!

Opal is a Ruby to JavaScript (ES5) compiler allowing you to write frontend code in pure Ruby (and a lot more!).

This version of Opal is about compatibility with Ruby 3.1 and lots of internal improvement around performance ⚑️, code size πŸ—œ, and readability of the generated code πŸ“š.

Opal 1.3 was released just about 2 months ago, but we really wanted to get 3.1-level compatibility out around the time Ruby 3.1 is released this Christmas πŸŽ„.

As always, you don’t need to run Opal with Ruby 3.1 to benefit from the 3.1-level features, Ruby 2.6 will do just fine 😊


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