RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Made a library? Written a blog post? Found a useful tutorial? Share it with the Ruby community here or just enjoy what everyone else has found!

Rauversion 🤘 The self-hosted music industries built on Rails 🤘

We’re excited to share this release with you all: a fresh take on music streaming platforms, reminiscent of SoundCloud and Bandcamp, but with some unique features that cater to artists, music enthusiasts, and event hosts alike. Built using the power and flexibility of Rails and Hotwire, we’re proud of what we’ve achieved and would love to hear your feedback!

Please take a look at the GitHub repository, and if you like the project, give it a star

Main Features:
  • Music Streaming: Seamless audio processing, analysis, and streaming experience for listeners.
  • Event Ticketing: Host, manage, and sell tickets to music events with QR validations.
  • Music Selling: Empower artists to sell their tracks and albums directly to their fans.

Whether you’re an artist looking to share and monetize your talent, an event host wanting to streamline ticketing, or a music enthusiast desiring a richer listening experience, we’ve got something for everyone.

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