RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Padrino is a full-stack web framework wrapped around Sinatra

Padrino is a modular ruby web framework built upon the excellent Sinatra Microframework. Padrino was created to make it fun and easy to code more advanced web applications while still adhering to the spirit that makes Sinatra great! It provides a full set of standardized view helpers, an enhanced router, i18n localization, a Django-esque admin interface, generators, mountable applications and much more. Get started by reading our guides, viewing our screencast, or checking out the github repo for more information!


This looks good. In fact, this is filling the gap that existed for Sinatra when it comes to building web applications. We used Sinatra for building web services before, and it’s great, however it was lacking the helpers, generators etc. that are very important during web apps (with gui) development. Now it looks like I might give Sinatra another try with some new project :).

MongoSwitter - Rails style architecture for Sinatra application instead one-file-development (based on git://

That’s pretty interesting mikhailov. A very similar architecture and toolkit can be utilized through Padrino quite easily actually since we support mongoid and mongomapper and using mustache should be trivial. Cool code example though thanks for sharing.

Unless I’m missing something, isn’t Padrino’s Admin completely different from Django’s?

@jd, the concept is the same and the layout updated at 2010 :D

Consider that DJango admin is based on “model forms”. In actuals ruby orm there isn’t some thing similar.

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