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Vim for Rails Development

Where to start and how to learn Vim for Rails Development by referencing some books/screencasts.


Is anyone else but me tired of these fake reviews so people will go buy a book or worse a screencast?

“Fake reviews”?

What about fake usernames? :-)

The whole “A Byte of Vim” book mentioned in the ‘fake’ article can be read online which I did not know. Thanks, Dalibor.

@AnonymousCritic: You are wrong this time dude. ;) I also reference “A Byte of Vim” book, and “Akita on Vim” screencast which are free. I finish the post by writing what I personally found useful in “Vim for Rails Development” screencast, so it’s always up to you if you want to buy that screencast. ;)

@AnonymousWoodDuck You can also download free pdf of “A Byte of Vim” book from their site.

Ah, I figured out, AnonymousCritic is using Emacs. :D

@AnonymousCritic no, I guess you are alone

@dalibor - You are right on the free offerings so I take back my original comment. I am a big vim fan though but I appreciated the humor regarding emacs :P

Thanks, Dalibor! I found your article and links very helpful.

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