RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Rubyists - what are your "tools of the trade"?

Today Mike Gunderloy posted about his “tools of the trade” that he uses for his Ruby and Rails development. I thought this would make an interesting post on Ruby Inside - linking to all of your similar blog posts about what kit you use. So, if you want to be featured, make a similar post on your own blog (or in comments here) and we’ll do a post in a week or two!


Here are my tools of the trade. This is a “life in a backpack” style.

Nice one

Sweet. Who doesn’t like showing off their toys? Here’s my list of tools of the trade.

Elad Meidar has posted his tools of the trade post here.

Here’s my post on the subject Running on Fumes: Why Less is More

Another one, here’s my tools of the trade post.

Here is my tools of trade post Tools of trade on notgeeklycorrect.

I would not suggest you to get 2 x 24” monitors really just get one 24” and one 19 or 21”. But you for sure need two monitors

I am pretty simple here just rocking a macbook with a 18” monitor hooked up. I do keep a second macbook up and running right next to me, for music, monitoring, email, etc…

@danmayer: 18”? Interesting - not heard of that size before :) (I had a 16” back around 2002 and that was a weird size as well :))

Cool idea Peter! Here’s my development setup

You can find few setups descriptions in developers interviews at my site.

Here are mine:

Whoa, I forgot all about this! I need to get working on that Ruby Inside article!!

Thank you for a cool post. My tools of the trade

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