RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Made a library? Written a blog post? Found a useful tutorial? Share it with the Ruby community here or just enjoy what everyone else has found!

Rack Screencasts: if you don't know Rack yet, you should!

If you’re a Ruby web developer and you haven’t learned Rack yet … now’s the time! Rails 2.3 has spectacular Rack support, as do: Merb, Sinatra, Ramaze, Mack, Camping, and more. I’ve released a few screencasts for learning Rack that some people have found useful … sooooo, I figured I’d share with the rest of the community, incase someone else finds these useful!

  • Rack Basics: the very basics of what Rack is, why you should care, howto write apps, etc
  • More Rack: rackup files, using Rack middleware, creating slightly more complicated Rack apps
  • Rack Middleware: what is it, how to write it, how to use it in Rack/Rails/Sinatra apps, etc


I wanted to post a few additional video links (but I went over my post size limit) … here ya go!

Ryan Bates has a few relevant Railscasts: - Rack Middleware - Rails Metal

Jon Crosby gave a very interesting Rack-based talk at MWRC 2009: - In a World of Middleware, Who Needs Monolithic Applications?

Nice screen casts Remi, Thanks for posting.

I noticed that this wasn’t showing up in my RSS reader … then I saw that lots of posts aren’t showing up!?!? Is there a bug in the RSS feed? :(

It’s a feature. I think I remember Mr.Cooper saying that only some posts show up until they’re approved to avoid spam. That may not be exactly right, but the intention was to block feed spam.

gotcha :( well, there are lots of great rubyflow posts that i never see cause, like most people these days, i view posts thru an RSS reader :/

NOTE: if you find these comments about the RSS feed and you want to subscribe to a feed that shows all RubyFlow posts (including spam, altho i don’t currently see any spam in the feed), here’s the link:

This feed shows all posts :)

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