RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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no such file to load -- sqlite3

If you’re getting “no such file” on sqlite3 after updating/installing some gem recently (could be Merb, Integrity, etc) have a look on this thread on Ruby on Rails: Talk. You have to remove some data_objects/data_mapper related .dll.


I got it to work by typing gem ‘sqlite3-ruby’ before require ‘sqlite3’. So I could get sqlite3 databases in rails to work after boot by adding the sqlite3 dependency through config.gem in environment.rb.

Yes, but it messes up also a Sinatra apps using sqlite3 etc….

Yeah, it worked for me too, just add gem “sqlite3-ruby’ in your in your environment.rb That should work, if your project is on 2.x rails and tried to upgrade to rails 3 and then downgrade, you will have to add the (gem ‘sqlite3-ruby’) for it to work. to make sure you have your gem do: gem install sqlite3-ruby and try again..

Yeah, it worked for me too, just add gem “sqlite3-ruby’ in your in your environment.rb That should work, if your project is on 2.x rails and tried to upgrade to rails 3 and then downgrade, you will have to add the (gem ‘sqlite3-ruby’) for it to work. to make sure you have your gem do: gem install sqlite3-ruby and try again..

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