RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Ruby Step-By-Step Guide - Collections - Inside Ordinal Punks, D.I.Y. Punks & Frens

is it ordinal summer? i’ve updated the free (online) programming ordinals (in ruby) step-by-step guide / booklet. the second chapter titled Collections, Collections, Collections - Inside Ordinal Punks, D.I.Y. Punks & More shows you how to import collections via various meta datafile formats into a (local) sqlite database e.g. ord.db (from scratch / zero) and than query for analytics / statistics via sql (using activerecord) and the ordlite gem. happy programming (and data analytics) with ruby.

Using Concerns with Ruby on Rails

Rails Concerns are a great way to keep your code DRY by making it easy to share code across Modules and Classes. The post will be going through some of the in-and-outs of Concerns, why they’re useful and how to use them. [more inside]

How to organize CSS in a Rails project

CSS has a reputation for inevitably turning into spaghetti code. It doesn’t have to be that way! You can keep styles tidy in your next Rails app by applying similar rules to CSS as you would to Ruby code: avoid formal structure until you really need it, be clear and concise in your naming, and keep your eyes open for opportunities to refactor as you go.

Ruby Step-By-Step Guide - Sub 1k - Inside The First Thousand Ordinal Inscriptions

is it ordinal summer? i’ve started on a free (online) programming ordinals (in ruby) step-by-step guide / booklet. the first chapter titled Sub 1k - Inside The First Thousand Ordinal Inscriptions shows you how to build a (local) sub1k sqlite database (from scratch / zero) - it’s about 40 MB - and than query for analytics / statistics via sql (using activerecord). happy programming (and data analytics) with ruby.

Common Distance Metrics Implemented in Ruby

The fields of machine learning and artificial intelligence rely, fundamentally, upon the ability to measure the distance between two points. In this article we introduce some of the most common metrics used, discuss their interpretation and demonstrate how these can be implemented in ruby. Check it out here and let me know what you think.

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