RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Why I’m sticking with Rails, at least for now.

This is my journey with two leading web development frameworks: Rails and Elixir. Having invested years in Rails, I ventured into Elixir, captivated by its claims of high performance, resilience, and distributed systems. I admired Elixir and its Phoenix framework but encountered complexities when revisiting past code. On returning to Rails, I experienced greater intuitiveness and efficiency, especially with the innovative Hotwire design. Despite the unique advantages of Elixir, such as its Ecto library for complex queries, I felt more aligned and efficient with Rails. Ultimately, I decided to rewrite my Elixir-based project, Rauversion, in Rails, completing 90% in just two weeks, and I’ve had the opportunity to contrast the strengths and weaknesses of both ecosystems. [more inside]

Sharding in Rails 7: A New Horizon in Database Management

Looking to scale your Rails applications? Dive into the world of sharding with Rails 7 in this comprehensive guide. From automatic role switching to horizontal sharding, this article explores the tools and techniques to efficiently manage large-scale applications. Check it out at and stay ahead of the curve!

Video: Integrate ChatGPT with Rails 7: Step-by-Step Tutorial

I provide a comprehensive guide to building a Ruby on Rails frontend that interfaces with OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Covering user management, conversation creation, and the ability to continue conversations at any time, this tutorial is tailored for both new and experienced developers eager to embrace the power of AI-driven communication. Watch the video here:

Instructions are very useful. Let me ask, if Client <—-request/response—–…

Maquina, the engine for Rails

Building apps over time, I found some work that needs to be done on every application: Authentication, Authorization, Mailers, etc. I started extracting this standard functionality into a Rails engine a few years ago. Later, tailwindscss, hotwire, stimulus, and phlex entered the picture, so I started the engine again with reusable UI patterns that take advantage of these tools. This is how Maquina was born.

Rubidity - A Ruby Dialect for Dumb (Blockchain) Contracts

Hello, some years ago I published a red paper to introduce sruby - Small, Smart, Secure, Safe, Solid & Sound (S6) Ruby to the world with a runtime (and gem) called universum. Now fast-forward and middlemarch (a.k.a. Tom Lehman) introduced dumb contracts on ethscriptions with the production code written in a dialect of Ruby called “Rubidity”. Q: Why do you choose ruby for dump contracts? A: Because you can create a mini-language that’s very similar to Solidity and will be easier for Solidity devs to use. Hear. Hear. Update I started a rubidity sandbox to experiment and study and learn together. join us.

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