RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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  Last Sunday

  Last Saturday

Small and Little Things Matter in Programming! 🌟

In software development, even the simplest tasks can reveal profound lessons. I recently tackled an interesting Ruby problem: cleaning an array by removing substrings found in other elements. While it sounds straightforward, the solution taught me the power of leveraging Ruby’s enumerable methods like reject and any?. In my latest article, I dive into this challenge, share an elegant solution, and explore why focusing on these ‘small and little things’ can make a big difference in our code. Check it out and let me know your thoughts! [more inside]

🚀 Microservices: Unlocking Agility and Scalability

Microservices have revolutionized how we build software, offering unmatched flexibility, scalability, and resilience. By enabling small, autonomous teams to work independently, microservices empower organizations to innovate faster, adopt new technologies, and scale effortlessly to meet growing demands. [more inside]

  Last Friday

🚀 Effortlessly Store Your Ruby-Generated Files on Google Drive! 📂

Have you ever struggled with Google Drive API integration in Ruby? I recently tackled this challenge and hit some roadblocks—OAuth headaches, gem conflicts, and those frustrating “API not enabled” errors. 😅 After some debugging (and a few cups of coffee ☕), I found a smooth and enjoyable workflow to automate file storage on Google Drive. Now, creating spreadsheets and managing files is a breeze! [more inside]

  Last Thursday

  Last Wednesday

  Last Tuesday

  3 March 2025

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