RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Parsing External Data with DTOs: A Practical Guide

Learn to parse external data using DTOs in Ruby on Rails. Discover why they matter, when to use them, and how to implement them with practical examples. [more inside]

Maybe you could try Ruby 3.2 Data it will be much simpler class Member < …
Thanks. Before that I’ve usually used Struct for that. The only important note …

Why 78% of Rails Upgrades Fail: And How to Ensure Yours Doesn't

This article is just a humble attempt to guide Ruby on Rails developers on how NOT to make their Rails Version UPGRADE FAIL for their app. Read it here - Why 78% of Rails Upgrades Fail: And How to Ensure Yours Doesn’t. There are a few custom modules shown in the article that you can use to properly upgrade your app. These module do not fasten the process but improve your upgrade process so it won’t fail.

Ruby pomodoro timer with exceptional tunes

SO. pomo. It is inspired by TJ Holowaychuk’s pomo I’m pretty sure I used in 2014. It’s a lightweight executable you can pop in your /usr/local/bin/pomo, sprinkle a little chmod +x /usr/local/bin/pomo magic on it, and BOOM! Pomotization complete. [more inside]

Solidus v4.4 has been released

The latest version of the Rails e-commerce platform Solidus has been released today with significant improvements for the new Admin and Rails 7.2 support. [more inside]

This is dated December 2023 though? :D
@PETER The release was…
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