RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog


The Ruby and Rails community linklog

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Glimmer DSL for Web Wins in Fukuoka Prefecture Future IT Initiative 2025 Competition

Glimmer DSL for Web (Ruby Web Frontend Framework) won an award in the Fukuoka Prefecture Future IT Initiative 2025 competition after I presented it to Yukihiro Matsumoto (the creator of Ruby) and other Fukuoka competition judges earlier this week on January 21, 2025! It’s official! Matz approves of Glimmer DSL for Web!!!

Pushed First Commits of Frontend Ruby Code Using Glimmer DSL for Web to Job Rails App

I’m happy to report that I officially pushed the first Opal Ruby + Glimmer DSL for Web code commits to my job’s Rails repo in the Admin UI last week. It is just amazing how Glimmer components written in Ruby to replace React components are way simpler and smaller! It’s not even close! My productivity definitely feels double at least while producing about half the code. This is so exciting! It reminds me of the early fun days of discovering Ruby, but on the Frontend! There is so much potential and so many possibilities. It is super exciting to discover new patterns and best practices. Ruby creates so much programmer happiness compared to JavaScript!


Analytics should be simple for Rails apps but I felt we lacked a simple drop-in solution that was both flexible and covers most generic needs out of the box. Therefore I present to you: [more inside]

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