The Ruby and Rails community linklog
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Rack for Ruby: Socket Hijacking
Rack is the foundation for every popular Ruby web framework in existence. In part two of this three-part series, we’ll run through socket hijacking:
Comprehensive Guide to Implementing Content Security Policies in Ruby on Rails 8
Learn how to enhance web application security with Content Security Policies (CSP) in Ruby on Rails 8. Read it here - Comprehensive Guide to Implementing Content Security Policies in Ruby on Rails 8.
Ruby on Rails Security Audit Checklist 2025: 23 Proven Steps to Secure Your App
Learn how to secure your Ruby on Rails application with this comprehensive 23-point security audit checklist. Download the FREE Checklist Template for Auditing Security of your Rails App. Read the post here - Ruby on Rails Security Audit Checklist 2025.
RubyConf 2024 Recap
A summary of my time at RubyConf 2024.
Performance Boost with Bridgetown 2.0 Beta 3
The third beta of Bridgetown 2.0 web framework has now been released, featuring a major performance boost for full builds, ESM support for all local configuration files of the frontend pipeline (no more CommonJS!), i18n support for fast refresh, and more.
Copy to Clipboard with Stimulus & Rails
Add a Copy to Clipboard feature to your Rails app with Stimulus. Step-by-step guide for integrating modern JavaScript sprinkles with Rails
Kickstart a New Rails Project
A detailed walkthrough on setting up databases, automating configurations, and maintaining code quality. Perfect for Rails developers starting fresh
Build a Slack App with Rails
Learn how to build a Slack application with Rails in this multi-part series. Part 1 covers setting up a new Rails app, configuring OAuth for authentication, and laying the foundation for Retro Pulse, an app designed to enhance agile retrospectives on Slack
Parsing External Data with DTOs: A Practical Guide
Learn to parse external data using DTOs in Ruby on Rails. Discover why they matter, when to use them, and how to implement them with practical examples. [more inside]
Why 78% of Rails Upgrades Fail: And How to Ensure Yours Doesn't
This article is just a humble attempt to guide Ruby on Rails developers on how NOT to make their Rails Version UPGRADE FAIL for their app. Read it here - Why 78% of Rails Upgrades Fail: And How to Ensure Yours Doesn’t. There are a few custom modules shown in the article that you can use to properly upgrade your app. These module do not fasten the process but improve your upgrade process so it won’t fail.
Show all running apps on the server with Kamal
A simple tip how to show all running apps with Kamal.
When (and When Not) to Use GraphQL in Your Rails App
Let’s explore when GraphQL is the right choice for your Ruby on Rails application and when it is not. Read Here - When (and When Not) to Use GraphQL in Your Rails App
Ruby pomodoro timer with exceptional tunes
SO. pomo. It is inspired by TJ Holowaychuk’s pomo I’m pretty sure I used in 2014. It’s a lightweight executable you can pop in your /usr/local/bin/pomo, sprinkle a little chmod +x /usr/local/bin/pomo magic on it, and BOOM! Pomotization complete. [more inside]
Rails 7.1 raises error when generating model attributes with reserved names.
rails_performance new release now with P50/P95/P99 information. Please check it. A simple, free, and self-hosted alternative to New Relic
Solidus v4.4 has been released
The latest version of the Rails e-commerce platform Solidus has been released today with significant improvements for the new Admin and Rails 7.2 support. [more inside]
Seamless migration from third-party mocks to RSpec built-in mocking framework
This gem provides RSpec dual mocking compatibility. You can use RSpec’s mocks as secondary, alongside a primary, alternative mocking library. Also it includes built-in rake task for tracking current migration progress.
Hotsheet 0.1.0 - A new challenger appears! This gem allows you to mount a view to manage your database using a table view where you can edit database records inline (no rails console required!). Give controlled DB access to your admin users without having to create CRUD views for each table.
Relay mails into ActionMailbox with existing Postfix server
One slightly under-documented ingress for ActionMailbox is using Postfix relaying. It is easy to integrate into an existing Postfix mail server by just adding another virtual_alias_map and also supports Regexp matching of many different mails (so 1 mail per customer easy achievable). Goal is to POST the mail into our App-Server using a small CURL script without adding new dependencies to the MTA server. [more inside]