RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Can you tell something about the latest Ruby news?

In the streets down below Roobykon’s offices, the crunch of fallen chestnuts under the feet of passers-by means one thing: autumn is here. But the cooling days don’t take any of the heat from the daily lives of our Ruby colleagues from around the world – as this latest haul of blog posts shows!

How to write your first CLI with Thor

Down in Brazil, Magentis are celebrating spring by moving their cloud infrastructure over to a new system. To this end, they created a series of shell scripts – but as these grew in number, things started to get messy. Then, an interview candidate inspired a Thor-based solution…

Introduction to Concurrency Models with Ruby. Part I

What are the differences between processes and threads? What are GIL, EventMachine, and Fibers in Ruby? If you’re still a relative beginner when it comes to the different…Continue reading here:

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