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Ruby Conferences & Camps in May 2018 - What's Upcoming?

Hello, at the calendar page @ Planet Ruby we collect all ruby conferences and camps from around the world. What’s upcoming in May 2018? ++ Rubyhack - May/3+4 (2d) Thu+Fri @ Salt Lake City, Utah, United States ++ Ruby Unconf Hamburg - May/5+6 (2d) Sat+Sun @ Hamburg, Germany ++ Ruby Open Source Software (ROSS) Conf Amsterdam (FREE) - May/11+12 (2d) Fri+Sat @ Amsterdam, the Netherlands ++ Balkan Ruby - May/25+26 (2d) Fri+Sat @ Sofia, Bulgaria ++ RubyKaigi - May/31-Jun/2 (3d) Thu-Sat @ Sendai, Miyagi, Japan ++ See all conferences & camps in 2018. Anything missing? Updates welcome. Cheers. Prost.

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