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Classic - 10 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know About Ruby by Jim Weirich

Hello, for a new Yuki & Moto Press book I’m reformatting/republishing the evergreen classic presentation by Jim Weirich titled “10 Things Every Java Programmer Should Know About Ruby”. The items read: #10 Learn Ruby Conventions ++ #9 Everything is an Object ++ #8 (Almost) Everything is a Message ++ #7 Ruby is Way More Dynamic Than You Expect ++ #6 Objects are Strongly Typed, Not Statically Typed ++ #5 Don’t Worry About Interfaces ++ #4 Mix it up with Mix-ins ++ #3 Embrace Closures +++ #2 ri is Your Friend, irb is Your Other Friend ++ #1 Write Less Code ++ #0 Ruby Makes Programming Fun Again. Cheers.

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