RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

FasterPath 0.3.1 Released!

FasterPath 0.3.1 has just been released. This is the project where I rewrote one method from Ruby into Rust and made my Rails sites pages load more than 30% faster. Now we’re up to 15 optimized path handling methods with performance gains on individual methods up to around 90% faster.

This is the first release with Binary Releases precompiled and I would like your help to test this feature out. Looking for Mac and Linux system tests, Windows support is coming soon, and you can help with this issue #143.

This gem has been completely refactored since it was last advertise here and no longer uses FFI at all but rather Fiddle and ruru. With these better tools to work with I believe I’ll fully be able to get all encoding and cross platform support implemented in pure Rust. Further allowing for the best performance overall.

My goal for this project is to make it so ideal that it will be included in Rails by default. We’re making good progress but it will really come down to the community in whether this can be made to happen.

Check it out and I look forward to any and all feedback! Thanks!

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