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Rails Object#presence vs Object#try

I am curious about performance for Rails Object#presence vs Object#try - here is result


Why would you want to compare these methods? They do absolutely different things.

In ruby 2.3+ the ‘&.’ operator is faster still.

user system total real seller && 0.000005 0.000001 0.000006 ( 0.000005) seller&.name 0.000003 0.000001 0.000004 ( 0.000003) seller.try(:name) 0.000006 0.000001 0.000007 ( 0.000006) 0.000006 0.000001 0.000007 ( 0.000006)

I agree with Yuri. #try and #presence have entirely different use cases. Comparing their performance is pretty pointless.

#try is to simplify calling methods on objects which might be nil, for example - (no fail if phone is nil) vs (fails if phone is nil).

The use case of #presence is to simplify default values for empty or nil attributes like in your example, || "-".

Hope this helps other readers.

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