RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Ruby Flow Launches

Ruby Flow Launches. This is an incredibly meta / circular post, but it’s a good way to kick things off.


Just posting nonsense as a test.

Trying again. Random link.

Mmm…… subscribed.

Twitter is ridiculously good for quick feedback, no? :)

Perhaps this isn’t the point to record this fact, but.. this site is running off an SQLite 3 database still. Couldn’t be bothered to set up a MySQL DB and fancy seeing how it scales ;-)

Ooh, keep me posted on that. Considering using a sqlite db for an app I’m writing.

Just another test.

And another..

Not one to hang around, we now have PythonFlow as well! Will announce properly once it’s populated a bit more.

No more PythonFlow?

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