RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Try the Practicing Ruby journal for a month without paying a cent!

It’s no secret that Practicing Ruby has released a ton of free content. With so much of my writing available for free, some folks may wonder why they should bother paying $8/month for a paid account at

To help answer that question, I have decided to experiment with offering 30-day free trials so that folks can try out the service before deciding whether they want to pay for it or not. If that sounds interesting to you, please send an email to between now and June 1, 2012. You won’t need to give me your payment information to gain access, and you will be able to unsubscribe at any time should you decide the service is not for you.

PS: If you were a Rubies in the Rough subscriber and are saddened by the news that it is now retired, you will probably love Practicing Ruby. James and I both learned a lot from each other over the years, and while my style is a bit different from his, you’ll surely notice some similarities :-)


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