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Solution to Ruby 1.9.3 segfaulting when using TextMate Ruby Bundle

After upgrading to Ruby 1.9.3-p0 I found that any exception in Ruby resulted in Ruby segfaulting on the TextMate Ruby bundle output screen. I found this gist where people were discussing the error and have some tips inside this RubyFlow post for you to fix the error yourself. [more inside]


Edit the catch_exception.rb file in your Ruby bundle in TextMate. To get into it on my machine I had to do:

mate /Applications/

Then, comment out the require "cgi" line. And then remove all references to CGI::escapeHTML.

Save and, et voila, if you’re lucky, things are resolved. There’s no HTML escaping, of course, but your method names should, hopefully, not containing anything that needs escaping ;-)

Just to help anyone trying to find this post, the errors coming out were:

/Applications/ Ruby.tmbundle/Support/RubyMate/catch_exception.rb:15: [BUG] Segmentation fault ruby 1.9.3p0 (2011-10-30 revision 33570) [x86_64-darwin10.8.0]

Your error message will tell you where the catch_exception.rb file is, in case it’s in a different place to mine.

Here is just link for gist with error triggered by TextMate…

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Ruby errors are the problems which are hard to find and are even harder to find the logic behind them. Glad that you find the problem and writing expert has posted it so everyone facing the same problem could take the benefit out of it

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