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Backup 3.0.0 (RubyGem) - Just released!

Just wanted to let everyone that might be interested know I just finished my 100% rewrite of the Backup gem.

Brief description:

Backup is a RubyGem (for UNIX-like operating systems: Linux, Mac OSX) that allows you to configure and perform backups in a simple manner using an elegant Ruby DSL. It supports various databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB and Redis), it supports various storage locations (Amazon S3, Rackspace Cloud Files, Dropbox, any remote server through FTP, SFTP, SCP and RSync), it can archive files and folders, it can cycle backups, it can do incremental backups, it can compress backups, it can encrypt backups (OpenSSL or GPG), it can notify you about successful and/or failed backups. It is very extensible and easy to add new functionality to. It’s easy to use.

The source is over at GitHub: (see README)

It took my time to write up some (hopefully) good documentation before this release. The documentation can be found on the Wiki pages here:



This looks incredible. Will definitely check it out. Thanks!

Thanks, backup has become an indispensable tool for us!

Been using in this in production for over a year..

Nice work!

Thank you, and you’re welcome!

A changelog would have been great. But I really love that tool. Thnx a lot!

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