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Rails 3 UML Class Diagram Generator

I just launched RailRoady, a Ruby on Rails 3 model and controller UML class diagram generator, originally based on the “railroad” plugin for Rails v1/v2 and contributions of many others.


finally here……but a question: why so static? why no jquery approach?? there are no options to rearange the classes, thats bad ;(

apart from that –> very nice!

You can edit and rearange .dot files with omnigraffle.

I just put up a RailRoady homepage 15 seconds ago. If we could keep general comments on that site I’d much appreciate it!


okay i get your approach and i think its perfect rubyish ;)

this “No Visio” words convinced me

  • sudo port install graphviz
  • sudo gem install railroady
  • (add railroady as a development dependency to your rails 3 project in /Gemfile)
  • rake diagram:all
  • open doc/*.svg


Please post links to your diagrams!

There is a problem with the link:

You say run “railroad” and it should be “railroady”

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