RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Dicks 0.02 Released

A new version of Boliver T. Shagnasty’s dicks gem was released today. For those who don’t know, dicks is a “Brutish way to print out a bunch of ascii dongs”. Critical stuff here.


Is this a joke?

Adding some tests would make this gem much more robust for critical apps. I also need license file before I can use here at work on some our most critical apps.

A --sperm option would be helpful on some of our less critical apps:

8======D ~o


Another proud day for Rubyists everywhere :-)

love it

is it thread-safe? I need to compute parallel wangs

You might check out my fork of this gem, called “dongs”, which already supports additional command line options like –sperm and –numsperm:

Just testing.

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